Saturday, May 26, 2007

The People in the Government

Heads of State and Cabinet Members


President - Susilo Bambang YUDHOYONO
Vice President - Jusuf KALLA
Coordinating Min. for Economic Affairs - BOEDIONO
Coordinating Min. for the People's Welfare - Aburizal BAKRIE
Coordinating Min. for Political, Legal, & Security Affairs - WIDODO Adi Sutjipto
Min. of Agriculture - Anton APRIYANTONO
Min. for Communication & Information - Sofyan A. DJALIL
Min. for Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises - Suryadharma ALI
Min. of Culture & Tourism - Jero WACIK
Min. of Defense - Juwono SUDARSONO
Min. for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions - SYAIFULLAH Yusuf
Min. of Education - Bambang SUDIBYO
Min. for Energy & Mineral Resources - PURNOMO Yusgiantoro
Min. for the Environment - Rachmat WITOELAR
Min. of Finance - SRI MULYANI Indrawati
Min. of Foreign Affairs - Noer Hasan WIRAJUDA
Min. of Forestry - M. S. KABAN
Min. of Health - Siti Fadilah SUPARI
Min. of Home Affairs - Muhammad MA'RUF
Min. of Industry - Andung NITIMIHARJA
Min. of Justice & Human Rights - HAMID Awaluddin
Min. of Manpower & Transmigration - Fahmi IDRIS
Min. of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries - Freddy NUMBERI
Min. for National Development Planning - Paskah SUZETTA
Min. for People's Housing - Mohammad Yusuf ASYARI
Min. of Public Works - Joko KIRMANTO
Min. of Religion - Muhammad Maftuh BASYUNI
Min. of Research & Technology - KUSMAYANTO Kadiman
Min. of Social Affairs - Bachtiar CHAMSYAH
Min. for State Apparatus Reform - Taufiq EFFENDI
Min. for State-Owned Enterprises - SUGIHARTO
Min. of Trade - Mari Elka PANGESTU
Min. of Transportation - Hatta RAJASA
Min. for Women's Empowerment - Meutia Farida HATTA Swasono
Min. for Youth & Sports - Adhyaksa DAULT
Attorney General - Abdul Rahman SALEH
Cabinet Secretary - Sudi SILALAHI
State Secretary - Yusril Izha MAHENDRA
Director, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) (Acting) - Said Ali AS'AT
Governor, Bank Indonesia - Burhanuddin ABDULLAH
Ambassador to the US - SUDJADNAN Parnohadiningrat
Ambassador to the United Nations - Rezlan Izhar Jen
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York - Rezlan Ishar JENIE

The President of Indonesia

Vice President of Indonesia

Minister of Foreign Affairs ( sitting on the right )

Ambassador to the United States

Ambassador to the United Nations ( sitting in the front )

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